HT: 1970- Biafra capitulated, ending the Nigeria Civil War. Background Ethnic division The civil war can be connected to the British colonial amalgamation in 1914 of Northern and Southern Nigeria . Intended for better administration due to the close proximity of these protectorates, the change did not account for the great difference in the cultures and religions of the peoples in each area. After the amalgamation, oil was discovered in Eastern Nigeria (now southern South Nigeria). Competition for its associated wealth led to the struggle for control amongst the regions. As southern Nigeria was not as united as the north, it was disadvantaged in the power struggle. In July 1966 Northern officers staged a counter-coup to revenge on the easterners for the targeting of their own political leaders in the first coup; Lt. Col. Yakubu Gowon emerged as the head of state. During his tenure, killing of Easters in the north continued; several retaliatory actions took place...
History On This Day